Tuesday, April 6, 2010


I read through the material provided in our lesson for this week and watched the clips that were presented in the material. I found it fascinating that we have progressed to this extent. Augmented reality basically blurs the lines between what's computer generated by enhancing what we see, hear, fell, and smell. With games and cell phones so plentiful in our society today, augmented reality is being driven by these forms of technology. I was astonished that you could project a phone pad onto your hand and phone a friend without removing the phone from your pocket.
Since I don't use a cell phone, this is probably not something I would make use of, but I can see the benefits of such a use.


I typed foursquare.com and browsed the site. I do not have a cell phone, so this site would not really be one I would use. I do understand that anyone who uses a cell phone frequently and is a social person would benefit from the site.

Friday, March 26, 2010


This proved a little more difficult than the first part of the assignment. At first try, it would not go ahead and complete the process. It was necessary to do a PDF to finally get the assignment posted. PowerPoint would not complete. I was not aware of all the examples of presentations that were available online. I wasn't sure the last method with PDF would work, but I checked this morning (March 26) and it had completed the process.

Monday, March 22, 2010


This was very enlightening. I believe it would be beneficial, but how expensive is Camtasia? We use a digital photo camera to get pictures of most of our events. With the help of one of our computer-literate staff, I chose to do a screencast of me placing a hold on a movie for a patron. I had no problems going in and completing the process of placing a hold on a movie in circulation mode. It was not hard, just a new experience for me.

Friday, March 19, 2010



I really liked this one. It challenges the player to use a variety of letters to create word. It takes a while to play the game, but fun!!!!!!!


I liked Yahoogames. I played a game on yahoo.com. It was a free game. I never play games on the internet, so it took me a couple of minutes to figure out what I was supposed to do. I chose Word Tower. I love puzzles and working with words, so this was just the thing for me. I had fun, and I think anyone who has difficulty with spelling or working puzzles would like this one.

http://games.yahoo.com/free-games/word-tower.Some games have to be downloaded, some are pay-for games. Some games ask for your input and ideas about games. Also, I did not think some sites explained how to play the games. This is especially important if you have never played games online before. I have a compact disc at home that contains many games, and if I play, that is what I use rather than play online.


Step 1 : fox.com/fod has full episodes, web episodes, video library. Has highest rated videos, most popular videos, featured videos.
nbc.com/video has full episodes, webisodes, all.shows, an NBC video library, NBC direct, and viewing.party. Never miss an episode (Subscription for free.)
abc.go.com/watch has full episodes and shorts, listing of all shows in evening, daytime, as well as specials. Had a link that gave you information about the Oscars.

cbs.com/video provides HD videos, has browse video, watch & chat - gives full episodes. PRIMETIME originals (movies/specials).

video.pbs.org/ provides programs A-Z ; lists most watched videos ; most Emailed ; Gives link for PBS Kids go! at bottom of screen ; Explore featured programsa featured collections. (This was my preference). I love pbs.com

Step 2 : Internet distributors: I chose joost.com and veoh.com. joost.com in simple format ; easy to connect with Facebook ; lists top ten videos ; second pick was scivee.tv/ which is a website geared to scientific and educational aspects. Gives journals/publishers ; societies/Conferences / scientists product/services. Just the sight for helping a patron who is looking for this type of material. I plan to bookmark this site for use in our library.

Step 3 : I recommend NCIS as a good watch if you like action & adventure shows. I like their related links for similar type shows.
I liked commonsensemedia.org. Good for children ; ages 2-4 and 5-8. Has reviews and parent advice on 5-8.

Step 4 : I predict TV as we know it is becoming obsolete. A person can go online and do pretty much everything they want to do, even watch their favorite TV episodes, listen to music. [The Everything TV] by Michael Moyer was article that pretty much explains what is happening in TV land today.

Saturday, March 13, 2010


Listen and you will hear an explanation of what a blog is by Martha Stewart. This is my second attempt to do this. I enjoyed trying to pick one and add it to my blog. Hope you enjoy.

ICYMI - Martha Stewart Explains Blogging - Click here for more blooper videos

Thursday, March 11, 2010



I chose YouTube as my favorite. I use Yahoo most of the time, so I am comfortable using it. Bing is a new one for me, so I am sure I will learn to appreciate it as I use the site.

I did not care much for metcafe. I thought vimeo.com was organized in an attractive way, and you could click on alphabet to help you find what you were looking for easier.


This was a very interesting assignment. I chose Martha Stewart and YOGAmaging, as well as Great Books. Martha Stewart podcast was my favorite. She was teaching a video about decorating Easter eggs. There is such an interest now in fitness videos and YOGAmazing seemed a good choice because it would be a topic that would interest many of our patrons. Great Books is a good site for anyone searching for a particular "great book". I chose "The Man Who knew too Much".

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


I liked photoflexer. I liked the variety of things you can do. It was fun experimenting and adding different things to the bookshelf. Since I work in a public library, a bookshelf seemed to be a good choice to use to dress it up and add cute little hearts. I also added a few bulges to the books to make them stand out. I tried picnick.com and it was fun to play there too. It isn't something I would usually do, but it was entertaining.

Friday, March 5, 2010

WEEK 8: Wolfram-Alpha

I like this site. It can prove to be very useful, especially to someone searching for statistics. I typed in Williamstown, Kentucky and found that as of 2008 we had3,533 people. I found a satellite image as well as approximate elevation. It also gave stats. for Cincinnati, Lexington and Louisville, Kentucky. I was a little surprised that the statistics were not recent statistics. I typed in Grant County, Kentucky and found the population in 2008 was 25, 549 people and the population growth was 1.763 % (2000-2008). Annual births were 2000 people (2006) and annual deaths were 430 people (2006).


I went into blindsearch and typed in Giza which had been listed in another lesson. I use Google and Yahoo a lot for searches, but I was not that familiar with Bing. I searched information for greenhouse building as well as Giza and typed in Public Libraries in Northern Kentucky. I was impressed with all three. They were very in-depth with their range of information. I typed "Giza" in quotes on Google and found lots of information and beautiful pictures. On Google one can use advanced search as well. Google has more statistical information. Yahoo is great for quickly finding local news information. When searching for Giza, Bing provided a grouping of relevant information that one could click on and find specific information such as maps, etc. My favorites were all on Google.

Lesson 8 (Part 1) Exercise

Per our assignment, I went in to blindsearch and typed in Northern Kentucky Public Libraries as part of the assignment. I looked at Google, Bing and Yahoo. All three were alike in most ways, but I preferred Yahoo. I have used Google and Yahoo in the past, but I really have not had much experience with Bing. I found Bing to be much like the other two. Google is very colorful and easy to read. Google had more statistical information (data provided by Hitwise). I searched for one of the topics given from Giza. I liked google for this because it operated on keyword searches. I typed in Giza and found very nice pictures on this site. Google is easy to search by using words with quotes "Giza" which narrows the search.


I compared Google with Yahoo and Bing. Yahoo operates on keywords search

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

WEEK 6 : Downloading Music and EBooks and Audiobooks

I had some difficulty getting this assignment completed, but I finally was able to check out the downloadable ebooks and audiobooks from Overdrive. Once I knew what I was doing, then I had no difficulty checking out and then reading the first chapter of one of the audiobooks I had chosen.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Week 5 (PART 2) : RSS FEEDS

I had a little difficulty at first figuring out what to do. After I figured it out, I enjoyed doing the RSS feed and posting sites that I use just about everyday to access news, etc.

Monday, February 15, 2010


I have never participated in a blog before this assignment and I


Lesson 5 : (First Part) My delicious username is delicious.com/joyce.denny

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


I did not do very well with this part of Lesson 3. I did the assignment, but I really am not sure it was the correct way. This is my first experience doing this and I just took a chance and tried to follow the instructions. From comments made on the class site I understand others are probably having the same issues.


I had not heard of a wiki before this lesson. I have really begun to understand that there is so much availability to online information that I was not even aware of. I am encumbered because I do not have a cell phone (no really have a desire to purchase one) and what information I have gained from technology has been through online classes and an in-house lesson we participated in here at our library with Wynita (our Adult Services Person) as our instructor. The wiki makes it easier for the user to make changes, add, or even delete pages. Some Wiki sites require membership registration, and others are private. LIsWiki.com has largest list of library blogs on the Web.

Thursday, January 21, 2010


I have always been aware of some of the issues concerning internet use. I know not to give out personal informaton, and I rarely ever order anything online, because I really don't trust that my information can not be accessed. My personal home has virus protection, but I still try to be very careful of what I make public on the internet. I was really surprised at some of the issues that were covered in the Privacy part of our assignment. I think we don't always take time to read the "fine print" like we should.
I discovered when I first got a home computer that there was going to be an issue with emails. People were sending emails with subjects that were not what they seemed. If I do not recognize the sender or I don't trust that it is an email that needs to be opened, I delete. Better safe than sorry.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

This is a first time experience for me. I had not thought about participating in a blog before. I work at a public library. My favorite hobbies are walking and reading. I have been a cataloger for almost 19 years. I also help at the circulation desk if needed. I am looking forward to doing this exercise. Perhaps I will become more technology enabled.
